Oral cavity & oral cancer surgery

What is oral cavity surgery?

Oral cavity surgery refers to surgery in the mouth between the lips and the top of the throat. Surgery is a common treatment for cancers in the oral cavity that may affect the mouth lining, tongue, gum and jaw bone. Other non-cancerous or pre-cancerous conditions that require surgery include jaw tumours and cysts, leukoplakias and carcinoma in situ.

Why have this procedure?

Oral surgery is planned according to the size and location of any tumours, and whether it has spread. The process to work this out is called staging and you will have a series of tests done to help your doctors work out which treatment is best for you. For some people, surgery will be your only treatment, while others may need other treatment (eg radiation or chemotherapy) to reduce the risk of cancer coming back.

What is involved in this procedure?

The type of surgery you need will depend on the size of your tumour or cancer, where it is in your mouth and whether it has spread to the lymph nodes. Some examples of oral cancer surgery include:

Primary tumour resection – your surgeon will remove the tissues in the mouth that contain cancer, along with a small amount of normal tissue surrounding it.

Reconstructive surgery – if a large amount of tissue is removed, your surgeon may need to use reconstructive surgery to rebuild the area where the cancer was previously. This may include using skin, tissue, muscle, blood vessels and bone from other areas of your body. This may be done at the same time or as a separate surgery.

What should I expect after surgery?

Oral cavity surgery can be very complex and you may need to have multiple surgeries. Your surgeon and cancer care team will help you understand what to expect during your recovery and arrange other support services as needed.

Where will I have my surgery?

If you have private health cover, you can choose to have the surgery at North Shore Private Hospital, Castlecrag Private Hospital or Northern Beaches Hospital. If you prefer to be seen as a public patient, surgery is offered at Northern Beaches Hospital.