
Rhinoplasty Northbridge ENT Sydney Nose surgery

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the size, shape or proportions of your nose. It may involve the upper part of the nose (bone structure), lower part of the nose (cartilage) and skin tissues.

Why have this procedure?

You might consider having rhinoplasty because you would like to change the appearance of your nose (either after an injury or from birth) or improve how air flows through your nose to help with breathing difficulties.

What is involved in this procedure?

Rhinoplasty is performed in hospital under a general anaesthetic. The operation usually lasts between 2-3 hours depending on the extent of the changes.

Your ENT surgeon can use various techniques to change the shape of your nose and will plan your surgery depending on your goals. Before your surgery, we will take photos of your face from different angles and update these images to give you an idea of what your nose might look like after surgery.

Your surgeon will insert instruments through your nostrils or through a small incision at the base of your nose, between your nostrils. The exact techniques used will depend on how much you would like to change and the individual shape and structure of your nose, and what needs to be done to improve your breathing. This may include using cartilage from inside your nose or ear, using cartilage from your rib, using bone from another part of your body, and correcting the path of the wall between the two sides of your nose if it is bent or crooked (deviated septum).

What should I expect after surgery?

After surgery, you’ll have internal splints and dissolvable dressings placed inside your nose for protection and support. These will stay in place for around a week. You may have some swelling and bleeding but your ENT surgeon will explain what to expect and how to manage this.

While you will feel like yourself after a week or so, you’ll need to avoid certain activities that put strain on your nose for several weeks after surgery. This includes doing things like wearing sunglasses, blowing your nose or brushing your teeth too vigorously.

Where will I have my surgery?

Rhinoplasty may be booked either as day surgery or you may stay in hospital overnight. If you have private health cover, you can choose to have the surgery at North Shore Private Hospital, Castlecrag Private Hospital or Northern Beaches Hospital. If you prefer to be seen as a public patient, rhinoplasty as part of surgery to relieve airway obstruction is offered at Northern Beaches Hospital. Please note that cosmetic rhinoplasty is not offered in the public hospitals.